Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Fall of The House of Usher Summary

This short story starts off with a narrator that arrives at a large creepy mansion owned by the Usher family. His host tells us that he and his sister are the last survivors of the Usher family.

The man living in home is ill and is very susceptible to light and sound. He says it's because his sister suffered from seizures. He then explains his family's love for the arts(literature, music and art).

Soon, the host's sister dies. Later that week, the narrator and Usher are reading a book to pass the time when they hear banging and noises coming from the basement of the spooky mansion. He screams "Madeline is coming back to life!" and gets out of bed.

Madeline comes bursting through the bedroom door and takes down her brother, killing them both in the process. The narrator runs away and watches as the house cracks in two and sinks into the ground below it.


  1. Why does she kill her brother and what would you have done if you were in the narrators situation?

  2. What feelings was the author trying to invoke on the readers.

  3. The author was trying to envoke emotions of fear and mystery.

    Also, she killed her brother because she was a zombie. Duh.
